B2B SEO Case Study: Vending Locator's Rapid Ascent to Top Search Results

A recent entrant to web grew a lot in just a few months. They started with no content. Still, with rigorous planning and optimization, they're now winning the Google.

Monthly Search Traffic
Keywords in Top 10 Results
Smartphone displaying Vending locator website, small snippet displaying Google search for vending machine drinks

Project Summary

Vending Locator started with almost no online visibility. Now, it's one of the top players in the vending niche, pulling in over 16,000 visitors each month.

Content SEO writing service played a crucial role. The team lacked detailed knowledge in Content SEO, and the vending industry was relatively new to them. Lots of unknowns were bridged with a solid research, a clear content plan, and smooth workflow. Check the entire B2B SEO case study below.

Smartphones displaying a website and google search results on a purple abstract shapes

Vending Locator

Vending Locator, owned by Dabble Ventures in Philadelphia, is a specialized service connecting vending machine businesses with high-traffic locations. Focused on sites like schools, malls, and hotels, they ensure machines are strategically placed for maximum exposure. Dabble Ventures, the parent company, operates as a venture studio identifying market gaps, building sustainable businesses, and serving as a platform for selling profitable ventures or developing new business ideas.

A graphic image of a purple star, likely used for problem, soltuion benefits segment


Fresh domain was up to challenges with Google visibility. Outsourced writers, non-SEO-focused, just wrote what was asked without adding extra details. Internal team lacked knowledge to correctly brief authors and ensure best content quality.
A graphic image of a purple star, likely used for problem, soltuion benefits segment


Look for keywords that big brands pass over. Choose competitors on search with: low authority, subpar content, and low scores for optimization. Make the SEO writing checklist simpler so writers find it easy to optimize content. Teach the internal team about SEO research, content structuring, and content briefing.
A graphic image of a purple star, likely used for problem, soltuion benefits segment


The ranking of keywords climbed to an average position of 13. The brand is now one of the pacesetters on Google in their niche. The content created by writers now requires minimal SEO revisions. The team is proficient enough to independently maintain long-term success on Google.

Domain Authority

24 +18

Monthly Organic Traffic


keywords in top 3

623 +600

Average position on SErp

13.8 -51
Line graph showing organic growth and keyword ranking trend thanks to SEO content services

Organic Spike In Just 7 Months

After rounding up a solid list of keywords and refining content briefs, we swiftly kicked off publishing. The team did a great job in building an automated workflow, ensuring smooth publishing and top-notch content quality.

Pushing out two, sometimes three, articles weekly, we anticipated fantastic results in a matter of a year.

12% Of All Content Lands In Top 3

Before teaming up with SEO experts, brands often adopt a set-it-and-forget-it content approach. They write, polish, publish, and move on. This results in articles landing in the top 100 but not the top 3 on Google - which is where over 70% of web traffic flows.

To avoid fitting the mold, we tracked metrics and optimized pieces that trended upwards. Today, 12% of Vending Locator content hits the top 3 in search results.

Pie chart with various shades of purple, showing keyword distribution across top 100 positions

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A profile photography with a twilight landscape
Michael Benson

Luciano is an amazing asset to our team! He knows a ton about SEO and helped grow our traffic significantly on many sites.

Vending Locator logo
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