SEO Writing Case Study: Net Group Commands Expertise & Builds Trust

Leveraging 20+ years of in-depth experience, we combine authoritative presence with strategic content creation.

White building

Project Summary

Leveraging Net Group's expertise, we set out on a content journey. From technical insights to debunking myths, effort through content became a beacon of value for all stakeholders.

With SEO-optimized content and revamped newsletters, we connect prospects with helpful information. The content gateway drives meaningful engagement and industry recognition. Go further to view the entire SEO writing case study.

Two smartphones with 'netgroup' content, red and pink design elements, angled positioning.

Net Group

Net Group, driving innovation since 1999, builds software solutions to propel global change. With a legacy spanning over two decades, they are softwar developers who understand business. From pioneering Microsoft technology to creating successful spin-offs and beyond, their track record speaks volumes.



Creating valuable content was challenging without in-house expertise. The absence of a blog made the initial step daunting, while aligning marketing strategies with sales proved challenging.


The partnership involves weekly blog posts and monthly newsletters. Detailed articles tackle client challenges, reduce friction in taking interest, and generate leads for sales reps.


Active involvement from stakeholders, boosted organic traffic, and sales assistance were achieved. Delegating content creation allowed time for aligning marketing with sales, crucial in B2B. pulvinar sapien et ligula. Massa tempor nec feugiat nisl.

Organc traffic


blog Articles


long-form articles


years collaborating

Tilted smartphone showing 'netgroup' customer innovation page, red abstract backdrop.

An Active Blog That Breathes Value

Once sporadic blog gained momentum, driving organic traffic and engaging audience. This shift not only opened doors to marketing and sales but also positioned Net Group as thought leaders in IT niche.

Blog As A Sales Asset

Beyond thought leadership, blog dives into client challenges and service intricacies. It's not just content; it's strategic way to support sales process by addressig burning client's chllenges.

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Carolyn Pippar
Digital Marketing Specialist

“This is a partnership that is perfectly in sync. No matter if it’s about scheduling, giving feedback, brainstorming etc, our thoughts are always moving in the same direction. I would say that the communication we have, has laid such a strong fundament for us, that it is effortless to create content that is insightful, valuable and just plain out good.”

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